Supply Chain

Export Trends Offer Significant Growth Opportunities for Business’s latest Audio Interview, “Export Trends Offer Significant Growth Opportunities for Business” features Eduardo Lopez-Soriano, Director of Marketing (Great Lakes District) at UPS and supply chain expert. In the 5-minute Audio Interview, Mr. Lopez-Soriano…

Current Developments of the China Sourcing Function’s latest Audio Interview, “Current Developments of the China Sourcing Function”, features Xiaodong Han, President of Shanghai China-based Taichi and supply chain expert.  In the 8-minute Audio Interview, Mr. Han discusses current state of…

Demand Driven and the Global Supply Chain’s latest Audio Interview, “Demand Driven and the Global Supply Chain” features Carol Ptak, Founder and Partner of the Demand Driven Institute and global supply chain expert. In the 10-minute Audio Interview, Ms. Ptak describes…

Bridging Cultures to Drive Performance in a Globalized Economy’s latest Audio Interview, “Bridging Cultures to Drive Performance in a Globalized Economy,” features Sam Yankelevitch, CEO, Xpress Lingo Solutions.  In the 6-minute interview, Yankelevitch explains how culture and lean communications affect cross-border company…

Assessing and Analyzing the Risks of Global Sourcing

Manufacturing companies can learn how to decrease costs and improve their bottom line by watching Jeoff Burris’ On-Demand Seminar, “Assessing and Analyzing the Risks of Global Sourcing”. In the 25-minute seminar, Mr. Burris presents strategies…

Optimizing Your Financial Supply Chain in Asia

  Learn how optimizing your financial supply chain can be a competitive advantage when doing business in Asia. Watch this 22- minute On-Demand Seminar, “Optimizing Your Financial Supply Chain in Asia”*, presented by Mr. Eugene…