About Us

GlobalAutoIndustry.com is the leading business intelligence source for the worldwide automotive industry, connecting OEMs, OE suppliers, aftermarket and automotive technology companies with the resources to effectively do business internationally.

Publishing across multiple digital channels, www.GlobalAutoIndustry.com, produces informative content that helps industry executives uncover insights, solutions and strategies focused on doing business in the world’s top automotive markets.

Our flagship Audio Interview series and eJournal newsletters address important business and operational challenges for industry professionals. Published weekly and syndicated through leading industry media partners, our content has a distribution audience of over 1 million automotive professionals worldwide.

Global Reach

GlobalAutoIndustry.com now reaches over 1,000,000 automotive industry professionals, including over 35,000 companies, and growing.

For complete details, ask us about the Global Automotive Reach brochure.

Engaging Content

GlobalAutoIndustry.com engages its global audience with great content, knowledge and expertise, and does this through its Audio Interviews; eJournals (newsletters); third-party Events; and “Best in Class” solutions.

Audio Interviews:
GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s popular weekly Audio Interviews — with leading experts from around the world, are also distributed by our Media Partners, including leading automotive publishers WardsAuto (US), Aftermarketnews (US), ETAuto (The Economic Times of India), TU Automotive (UK), and MexicoNow, BorderNow, HorsePower (Mexico). These Interviews regularly are among the highest clicked-through articles in their newsletters and websites.

Weekly newsletters address international automotive markets, and business and operational challenges from around the world. eJournals include ASIAtalk, CHINAtalk, EUROtalk, AMERItalk, LATINtalk, and monthly GLOBALtalk HR, GLOBALtalk SCM and GLOBALtalk M&A editions.

GlobalAutoIndustry.com parent company

GlobalAutoIndustry.com is owned and operated by U.S.-based HCI Group, Ltd..

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