Financing | Funding Sources

To learn more about these investment and funding opportunities, please see below.

  • Patent Funding
  • SPACs – Special Purpose Acquisition Company
  • Looking for Investors?


The use of patents as loan collateral by early stage companies is extremely rare. However, these companies can unlock the collateral value of their patents and secure cost-effective financing by using insurance to transfer business viability risks.

Looking for financing and want to use your patents as collateral? To set up a consultation, please contact us by completing Form at bottom of this page, or contact Ron Hesse (

To download the Blog Post article
“OVERLOOKED ASSETS: Using Patents for Financing New Businesses”, please click here.


Seeking to take your company public in the U.S. via a SPAC?  We can assist you.

Did you know there are over 230 SPACs available right now? These are funded SPACs, and each have between $40 million and $1 billion in capital available! The money is sitting in the banks, ready to go. Merging your company into one of these SPACs may get your company listed on the NASDAQ, New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), or other major U.S. exchange.


  • Minimum 2 years (3 preferred) of audited financial statements from large auditing firm
  • Minimum EBITDA of $10M

To learn more about SPACs, listen to “SPACs: An Alternative for Auto Suppliers and Companies to Go Public in the U.S.” Audio Interview with Jeff Franklin here.

To set up a consultation with Jeff Franklin, please contact us by completing Form at bottom of this page, or by contacting Ron Hesse (


Are you a startup or automotive related company looking for investment capital? management works with a number of investment Partners from around the world. These include investment companies, corporations, entrepreneurs, automotive OEMs & suppliers, and other professional investors. We are not an investment banking firm, private equity firm, or venture capital firm, however, we do collaborate with them on a regular basis.

Questions? Contact us here