Automotive R&D and Alternative Energy Solutions in India’s latest Audio Interview, “Automotive R&D and Alternative Energy Solutions in India” features Rashmi Urdhwareshe, Director, Automotive Research Association of India.

Mrs. Urdhwareshe serves as the Chair / Vice Chair of various national bodies such as Transport Engineering Division Council (TEDC), of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS); AISC (Automotive Industry Standards Committee); Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) at the Global Forum under UN-ECE at Geneva during period 2014-2017; and is Sr. VP, SAE-India.

In the 11-minute Audio Interview, Mrs. Urdhwareshe discusses these questions:

• What’s India’s focus on alternate energy solutions and how is your institute involved in this?
• Is India ready for EV transformation?
• How is your institute working on the areas of vehicle and transportation safety?
• What mega trends do you anticipate?
• Fast deteriorating air quality is a major concern in metro cities. What are your thoughts/ actions towards mitigation?
• And provides final thoughts

Audio Interview Guest
Mrs. Rashmi Urdhwareshe
Automotive Research Association of India (ARAI)

About Rashmi Urdhwareshe
Rashmi Urdhwareshe has a distinguished academic career. Master’s in Electronics Engineering, Certified Quality Auditor (ASQ), Certified Six Sigma Black Belt (ASQ), Diploma in Corporate Directorship (WCCG).

Rashmi serves as the Chair / Vice Chair of various national bodies like:
• Chair- Transport Engineering Division Council (TEDC), of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), New Delhi.
• Chair- AISC (Automotive Industry Standards Committee), which formulates Safety Standards in India.
• Vice Chair, Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) at the Global Forum under UN-ECE (Geneva) from 2014-17.
• Senior Vice- President SAE-India.

Rashmi is Co-author of Book on Total Quality Management.

She is a recipient of several awards like “Woman Excellence Award 2015” (by Rotary International, Pune), “Distinguished Alumnus” awards, “Engineering Excellence Award-2017 (SAE-India Foundation), “Lifetime Achievement Award-2018” (ODSER Trust), “Industry Custodian of the Year-2018 (E-Mobility+), Most Influential Corporate Personality 2019 (Morpheus), etc.

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