
Automotive R&D and Alternative Energy Solutions in India’s latest Audio Interview, “Automotive R&D and Alternative Energy Solutions in India” features Rashmi Urdhwareshe, Director, Automotive Research Association of India. Mrs. Urdhwareshe serves as the Chair / Vice Chair of various national bodies such…

Truly Global: Entering New Markets Successfully’s latest Audio Interview, “Truly Global: Entering New Markets Successfully” features Anna Schlegel, Sr. Director Globalization and Information Engineering of NetApp and globalization expert. In the 15-minute Audio Interview, Ms. Schlegel discusses The inspiration…

Market Analysis for Exporting’s latest On Demand Seminar,  “Market Analysis for Export & Import” features Leif Holmvall, President of Export Pro Inc. Canada. In the short On Demand Seminar released today, Mr. Holmvall focuses on Market Analysis…