Maintaining Brand Relevance in a Rapidly Changing Global Auto Industry

GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s latest Audio Interview “Maintaining Brand Relevance in a Rapidly Changing Global Automotive Industry” features Chris Bowers, Managing Director of UK-based CMB Automotive Marketing Ltd. Mr. Bowers is a global automotive marketing and communications expert….

European Automotive Parts Supply Chain Complexity

GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s latest Audio Interview “European Automotive Parts Supply Chain Complexity” features Mirko Woitzik. Mr. Woitzik is Manager EMEA, Risk Intelligence at DHL – Resilience360, and based in Germany. He is also the author of the…

Brazil Automotive Update: Industry Prospects 2020

GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s latest Audio Interview, “Brazil Automotive Update: Industry Prospects 2020” features Julian G. Semple, Auto Industry Consultant and Managing Director of Brazil-based CARCON Automotive, and overall Brazilian automotive industry expert. Audio Interview GuestMr. Julian G….

The Current and Future State of Electric Vehicles Globally

GlobalAutoIndustry.com’s latest Audio Interview, “The Current and Future State of Electric Vehicles Globally” features Aakash Arora. Mr. Arora is Managing Director and Partner of Boston Consulting Group’s Boston office, and is a core member of…