
Mexico’s Strategic Manufacturing Trends: The Shelter Competitive Advantage’s latest Audio Interview “Mexico´s Strategic Manufacturing Trends: The Shelter Competitive Advantage” features Salomon Noble, CEO for Mexico-based Intermex Industrial Parks. Salomon is an expert in the Mexican Manufacturing and Maquiladora Industry (IMMEX / “Twin…

North American Automotive Industry Forecasts and Trends’s latest Audio Interview “North American Automotive Industry Forecasts and Trends” features Haig Stoddard. Mr. Stoddard is Senior Industry Analyst – Markets, with Wards Intelligence, and has followed the auto industry for over three decades….

Industry 4.0 Update: Globally and Michigan’s latest Audio Interview, “Industry 4.0 Update: Globally and Michigan” features Tom Kelly. Mr. Kelly is a globally recognized expert on Industry 4.0 and its impact on business. As executive director and CEO of Automation…

Setting Up Manufacturing and Related Operations in Vietnam’s latest Audio Interview, “Setting Up Manufacturing and Related Operations in Vietnam” features Fred Burke. Mr. Burke is the Managing Partner of the international law firm Baker & McKenzie in Vietnam, where he has worked…

Powertrain Strategies for the 21st Century: A Global Perspective (2019)’s latest Audio Interview, “Powertrain Strategies for the 21st Century: A Global Perspective (2019)” features Bruce M. Belzowski, Managing Director, Automotive Futures Group in Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA). In the 12-minute Audio Interview, Mr. Belzowski…

Powertrain Strategies for the 21st Century: A Global Perspective’s latest Audio Interview, “Powertrain Strategies for the 21st Century: A Global Perspective” features Bruce M. Belzowski, Managing Director, Automotive Futures Group in Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA). In the 14-minute Audio Interview, Mr. Belzowski…