Audio Interviews

Using Patent Funding to Finance Global Growth’s latest Audio Interview “Using Patent Funding to Finance Global Growth” features Nemo Perera. Mr. Perera is a serial entrepreneur with more than 23 years of experience in the specialty insurance industry. He previously served…

Global Dexterity: Your International Talent Leadership Differentiator’s latest Audio Interview “Global Dexterity: Your International Talent Leadership Differentiator” features Andrew Molinsky. Mr. Molinsky is a Professor of Organizational Behavior and Management at Brandeis University’s International Business School. His research and writing has…

China’s EV Industry: 2022 and Beyond’s latest Audio Interview “China’s EV Industry: 2022 and Beyond” features Bill Russo. Mr. Russo is the Founder and CEO of Shanghai-based Automobility Limited, a strategy and investment advisory firm helping clients to create the…