Audio Interviews

European Automotive Parts Supply Chain Complexity’s latest Audio Interview “European Automotive Parts Supply Chain Complexity” features Mirko Woitzik. Mr. Woitzik is Manager EMEA, Risk Intelligence at DHL – Resilience360, and based in Germany. He is also the author of the…

Impact of USMCA on the Global Automotive Supply Chain’s latest Audio Interview “Impact of USMCA on the Global Automotive Supply Chain” features Daron Gifford. Mr. Gifford is Partner, Strategy Consulting Services Leader, Automotive Industry Leader, and Commercial Due Diligence Services Leader for Plante…

Current and Future Trends in Indian Automotive Aftermarket’s latest Audio Interview “Current and Future Trends in the Indian Automotive Aftermarket” features Harpreet Singh. Mr. Singh is an Investment Banker turned entrepreneur, and Founder of India-based AutoFlipz. He and his team are working…